Thursday, 26 March 2009

Atlantis - Escape attempt

I was just a bit late for this screen shot, as the Light Triketos just achieved a double forward move that brought it to the middle of the safe zone (before it got pushed one space back). Also, moments earlier, the Heavy Triketos on the right was in the safe zone too, side to side with the other.

Looks like Spearhalk's predatory behavior triggers panic among the poor Triketos...

Cnossos dock

Just wait... you'll see!

I've heard of a guy who did the same... about 2000 years ago...

Battle navigation "trap"

I was monkey boat hunting, needed to grapple as fast as possible to avoid wasting time till the next attempt.

Don't worry, be lucky...

My first monkey boat hunt!

Beware! These guys have more battle navigation moves than Imperials...

Idle carpenter

Idle and busy at the same time?!? Several attempts to prove it can happen!

All is in the chat and the /who query...

How do you spell "pirate"?

Jobbing... what?

Some would say: you can't spell pirate without irate...

"Cursed Isles" sleepers

Cursed Isles are so annoying, LOL: better take a nap!

Just kidding: this was a bug, nobody was sleeping there; I just remember that we got screwed all along that trip... lag issues, strange things occurring...

Blockading strength

Back from a Longship greeter pillage, I witnessed the above few days before Broadsiders blockaded Turtle...

Mangoes and pomegranates to be sold on Midnight!

Nonsense but... I'd love to win some mangoes and pomegranates from time to time, on pillages!