Thursday 10 December 2009

Winter - Green ice

It is said that it isn't wise to eat yellow snow, now what about green ice?

On Longships this winter, ice on the ropes was bluish on the deck and greenish in the crow's nest (enhanced when your ship is painted gold). The same green snow has also been reported on the figureheads of other ship types before the bug got corrected.

Also, standing on your pet (might take several attempts) brings some new interesting uses for pets in the game (live car-pet).
December 10, 2009.

Vargas the clone

Halloween darkness, some pirates have been turned into vampires. Vargas the Mad has been cloned and he and his clone(s) often spawn on islands where smellie frays take place.
October 24, 2009.

Halloween bug?

Well, that was weird!
Jobbing crew: none (as if I was jobbed, LOL), crew: none, me hearties:
Yer hearties list is empty. To add a friend, click on them and select "invite to be your hearty".
October 20, 2009.

Fluctuat nec mergitur

Fluctuat nec mergitur (tossed by the waves but does not sink). Yep, with that much damage, we (or more exactly Bnavking) managed to escape. We all thought the game was over...
September 05, 2009.

Atlantis - Perfect spot

Protected from the front, the left and the rear... we just had to stay, wait and fire at everything coming from the right side. I do believe this board has been removed from the game since, as developers usually hate when we have fun.
April 23, 2009.

Carpentry - Masterpiece 16!

Is it my record? Possibly, yes! Did I get an "Incredible" on the next duty report? I forgot, but I doubt it (carpentry moves in mysterious ways)!
Done in June 18, 2009.

Double vision when not drunk

This screen shot was made on July 22, 2009 (I have a huge screenshot database, lol); the situation has not evolved by the time I'm posting this (I thought the double "Order products" was just a temporary bug). Frozen Whiskers Apothecary Bazaar on Winter Solstice (Midnight). Confuses my neurons every time I look at it...

The art of rigging

Yes, I know, some have done even better, but this board gave me all special pieces in the next move, as it surrounds non-matching pieces in a pull, removes all of one color (black) from the board in a pull, links an opposite inactive pulley to the chain.
Well, it removes 41 pieces in one move!
May 26, 2009.

Atlantis - Dragoon squad on board!

I don't know if this happens every time a ship attacks an Atlantis citadel, I just think it is an unusual sight...
February 16, 2009.

Booty division after server crash

The server crashed during a long Atlantis run... when it went back online (and probably after the Ocean Masters got petitioned), all pirates who were back online got recalled (since the ship was recovered and the booty still there) and the booty division took place. No goodies but nice amount of 965389 pieces of eight which resulted into 34 shares of 22450 PoE per pirate (the rest for restocking).